Verify your new user has the right permissions mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR Grants for | Basically, root can do anything on any database, because it is the ultimate. To be effective the new assigned permissions you must finish with the following command: mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES 6. As expected, the root user can also grant access to other users on any database. MySQL 8 and higher versions: mysql> GRANT ALL ON `mydb`.* TO in the previous command, if you want the user to work with the database from any location you will have to replace localhost with ‘%’. MySQL 5.7 and earlier versions: mysql> GRANT ALL privileges ON `mydb`.* TO IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword' Grant all privileges to a user on a specific database In MySQL 8 or higher we will not add the IDENTIFIED BY ‘mipassword’ part. You cant do it with a wildcard, but if you already have the list you can do this: GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON db1. You will need to replace the localhost with the remote server. To allow access to MySQL server from any other computer on the network: mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword' The GRANT syntax allows you to specify multiple users in a single query. mysql> CREATE USER usernamelocalhost IDENTIFIED BY userpassword.

Only allow access from localhost (this is the most secure and common configuration you will use for a web application): mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword' Select the privileges you want to grant the user, or click ALL PRIVILEGES to grant the user all permissions to the database. Grant permissions to access and use the MySQL server This would display privileges that were assigned to the. User creation mysql> CREATE USER IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword' 3. Answer: In MySQL, you can use the SHOW GRANTS command to display all grant information for a user. 1. Database creation mysql> CREATE DATABASE `mydb` 2.